Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sepia Saturday #27
Wedding Day

Remembering my parents
on their wedding day, June 12, 1943
Southfield, Massachusetts

My parents celebrated their 50th anniversary
June 12, 1993

In loving memory
Martha Louise Cook Stiles
Henry Raymond "Bud" Stiles


  1. Such a wonderful post for your parents.
    Your mother is wearing very beautiful dress and they have been so young :)

    I wish you a good weekend!

  2. Now THAT is a wedding dress. Magnificent.

  3. That is every girl's dream of a wedding dress! I'm sure it must be bittersweet for you today as you celebrate your parents love in memory. Your tribute today is a beautiful gift to them.

  4. A toast to Martha and Henry. Those are wonderful photos and a very nice tribute to the two of them. Your mother is truly radiant in all the pictures. She looks like she was a lot of fun to be around.

  5. what a truly exquisite gown! Imagine the yards of fabric and the bridesmaids arranging it just so for the photo! Nice, nice, nice

  6. God bless your parents in heaven and what a wonderful tribute. They are a beautiful couple. I just found my picture of my mom with my sister and I on our wedding day. Love this SS.

  7. Isn't nice that photos can take us back in time to a moment we never experienced and introduce us to people we never knew. Lives captured and shared. Thank you.

  8. A lovely tribute to your beautiful parents.

  9. What a beautiful dress that your mom wore!

  10. Oh my gosh, your mom's dress is amazing! Beautiful! I'm glad you combined their anniversary with Sepia Saturday so we could all remember their day and honor it with you.

  11. Beautiful tribute to your parents--they look happy both on the wedding day & 50 years later.

  12. It is such a beautiful post of their wedding and her dress is so wonderful. It is so great to have the photos and the memories of them both.
