Last week I posted a few amusing pictures of the Harry Hastings family enjoying an afternoon at their beach house. This week I dug deep into the photo archives to come up with more on the Hastings and the beginning of that family.
Here we have a Souvenir List from a European cruise in 1894, upon the Cunard Steamer "Umbria", where my maternal great grandparents met for the first time. Listed member, Miss Margaret Watrous of Wellesboro Pennsylvania is my great grandmother, and Mr. H. L. Hastings of Worcester, Massachusetts is my great grandfather.
The young couple -
Harry Leander Hastings
Margaret Isabelle (Smith) Watrous Hastings
This photo shows Harry & Margaret leaving on their honeymoon on October 20, 1898.

Harry & Margaret had five children:
Frances Watrous, Sept. 21, 1899-May 25, 1994;
Twins, Elizabeth Lucy & Gerald Leander, August 20, 1903
Gerald died Feb. 18, 1947 - Elizabeth died Oct. 6, 1965
Martha Watrous, March 4, 1905-May 20, 1980
Harry Leander Hastings, Jr., Jan. 12, 1912-Dec. 24, 1938
Shown here are three generations of Hastings men, circa 1905:
Leander Augustus Hastings
Harry Leander Hastings
Gerald Leander Hastings
I love the caption written on this photo dated August 1905, "In the good old summertime". Showing the twins, Elizabeth & Gerald and eldest daughter Frances, with the nurse/nanny.
Circa apprx. 1908-1910
(The above photo was taken before Harry Jr. was born)